Out of nowhere, it suddenly became vital for me to draw elephants. Elephant after elephant- I would draw them in all shapes and sizes. It didn't take long before a character developed, pleading for the company of friends, which is when the donkey and snake showed up. The drawings below are a sampling of my favorites to emerge from my 'elephanitis' period.
Illustration, Cartooning, Character Design,
Out of nowhere, it suddenly became vital for me to draw elephants. Elephant after elephant- I would draw them in all shapes and sizes. It didn't take long before a character developed, pleading for the company of friends, which is when the donkey and snake showed up. The drawings below are a sampling of my favorites to emerge from my 'elephanitis period'.
Out of nowhere, it suddenly became vital for me to draw elephants. Elephant after elephant- I would draw them in all shapes and sizes. It didn't take long before a character developed, pleading for the company of friends, which is when the donkey and snake showed up. The drawings below are a sampling of my favorites to emerge from my 'elephanitis period'.

"The End is near, so I don't really have a sense of urgency"

"I've been known to push camels through the eyes of needles, perhaps I can help you off your ass?" - A. Snake

"I'm not sure it's sustainable, but it'll have to do for now." - A. Snake

“Donkey! I can’t even take a nap without you steering us over a cliff! WTF!”, the elephant accused.
The snake sought to ease the elephant’s tension, for he had a plan, and had advised the donkey while the elephant slept. “I assure you, there was nowhere to go but down. Don’t worry, I’m familiar with the territory.”
The donkey, exhausted, was just happy to take a break from pulling the elephant’s weight.
The snake sought to ease the elephant’s tension, for he had a plan, and had advised the donkey while the elephant slept. “I assure you, there was nowhere to go but down. Don’t worry, I’m familiar with the territory.”
The donkey, exhausted, was just happy to take a break from pulling the elephant’s weight.