Gospel Light Illustrations

Illustrations for Gospel Light - to be used in a variety of printed and digital mediums.

IllustrationGraphic DesignStorytelling
A confident Moses.
Pharaoh on his chariot.
The Red Sea at dusk.
Pharaoh's army, in a dark cloud of confusion, while the pillar of light leads the way for Moses and company.
Moses holding his staff over the waters.
Israelites crossing the Red Sea on dry ground.
Israelite beach celebration after crossing the Red Sea.
Abram, Sarah, and Lot leave the town of Ur.
An angry Pharaoh.
Joseph sold by his brothers.
Moses and the burning bush.
Parting the Red Sea.
King Solomon's Temple in it's early glory.
Israelites wandering in the desert.
Bible Times Amazed Man.
Bible Times Smiling Woman

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